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Join us for our FREE 1 hour webinar:

Live Coaching Sessions

Learn by Observing Others

September 19, 2018

11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern

Who should attend?
  • New or experienced coaches who want to develop or enhance their coaching skills
  • Coaches who want to build confidence
  • Those who could benefit by observing different approaches or techniques or get validation that you’ve got it right 

Why should you attend?

  • Observational learning (learning by watching and listening) is a powerful tool. It is proven to work. You will observe real coaches and real coaching situations. You will see coaching done on the fly – just like you experience as a coach.

What you will learn

  • Join us in this lively and interactive webinar to watch coaches in action and learn:


    • How coaching can happen in a short space of time and provide value
    • The different styles of coaching and the importance of being authentic
    • How coaches use the ICF Core Coaching Competencies in action
    • Skills for coaching in the moment
    • Each real coaching session will be followed by feedback and discussion to enhance the learning experience.
    • Time for Q and A
Join us on Wednesday, September 19 at 11 am  Pacific time / 2 pm Eastern